Some Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I leave comments?
Yes, please! Go to the Your Noshes, Thoughts & Dreams page if you need instructions. Comments are always welcome, as are e-mails. I'll do my best to answer both as quickly as possible.
How do I subscribe so I don't miss a recipe?
Scroll down to Noshes Delivered to Your Inbox. Underneath is a little box in which you can write your e-mail address and click submit. I promise -- no spam will follow!
Are you on Facebook?
Yes! Scroll down to Share Some Thoughts on Facebook and click. Then like the page!
How can I easily share recipes from your blog?
At the end of each post are a series of buttons to various internet sharing sites. Just pick on whichever one corresponds to the site you use! If your favorite sharing site isn't on there, let me know and I'll add it!